KWDH-1 Heated Propeller-type
Wind Speed/Direction Sensor
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The KWDH propeller-type wind speed and direction sensor uses an AC generator to create the signal output from the propeller, and either a synchro motor or a potentiometer for the vane signal output. Ceramic heater modules provided on the main body prevent freezing up of the rotors and other parts during harsh winter conditions. Once a heater reaches a given temperature, current supply is controlled to maintain a stable warmth.
Model W500
Speed component
Sensor Propeller-type 4-pole AC generator
Output (no-load) 45 V AC ±1 V with winds of 60 m/s; output impedance of approx. 500 ohms
Direction component
Sensor Vane: synchro motor or dual potentiometer
Startup threshold Less than 1.9 m/s
Measurement range
Speed 2-60 m/s (up to 90 m/s possible)
Direction 360°
Speed ±0.5 m/s at winds 10 m/s or less
±5% at winds greater than 10 m/s
Direction ±5°
Weatherability Winds 90 m/s or greater
Weight Approx. 8 kg
Heater modules
Total capacity Approx. 457 W
Power source 100 V AC
Front heaters (behind propeller)
Heater type: ceramic heater
Capacity: approx. 70 W × 4 modules
Maximum temperature: approx. 260°C (Curie point)
Vane heater
Heater type: ceramic film heater
Capacity: approx. 37 W
Maximum temperature: approx. 80°C
Stand heaters
Heater type: ceramic heater
Capacity: approx. 70 W × 2modules
Maximum temperature: approx. 260°C (Curie point)