R1-5 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge Sensor
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The R1-5 sensor is tipping bucket-type device designed for use in remote monitoring. A lead switch or mercury lead switch detects each tip of the collection bucket, which pours out a specified amount of rain that has entered through the 200 mm diameter inlet, and a connection pulse signal is output. The sensor is connected to an electrical contact or magnetic counter using a 2-pole cable. Options available with the R1-5 sensor include a heated version for use in cold locations (RJ1-5), and a sensor with two contact outputs (R1-5W).

Allows remote observation, compact and lightweight, affordable, highly durable stainless steel body and polycarbonate sensor unit
Model Tipping bucket
Inlet diameter 200 mm
Single-tip volume 0.5 mm (15.7 cc), 1.0 mm (31.4 cc), 0.25 mm (7.85 cc)
Accuracy ±0.5 mm with rainfall of 20 mm/h or more
±3%F.S. with rainfall of less than 20 mm/h
Output signals Electrical contact signal (contact time of at least 0.1 s)
R1-5 single contact output
R1-5W dual contact output
Power source Heated model requires a 100 V AC power source
Size Approx. 222 mm diam. × 450 mm
Weight Approx. 1.9 kg, or 3.0 kg with heater
Standard specifications R1-5: 200 mm inlet, 0.5 mm tip, lead switch, single-contact output
Other available sensors R2-5: 1.0 mm tip
R3-5: 0.25 mm tip